If you drive a car and have a child, then a child car seat is an essential part of all trips. This is not just a comfortable seat, but reliable protection for your baby in an accident, during sudden maneuvers and braking. A quality car seat protects your child and allows him to develop properly.
What do parents face when choosing?
The first thing parents face when they decide to buy a child car seat is which one to choose among such a wide variety. After all, the chair must first of all be safe and reliable. Today, many manufacturers present child car seats on the market. And among such a variegated variety, it is not surprising to get confused in the choice. When buying a car seat for a child, you must adhere to several important rules.
First of all, when choosing a car seat for a child, it is necessary to take into account his age. According to age categories, car seats are divided into classes: Group “0” – armchairs that are similar in design to a cradle. They have a convenient carrying handle and are designed for babies up to one year old; Group “1” and “2” – are classic car seats for children.
Group “1” and “2” – are classic car seats for children. They have a durable shock-resistant body, a higher headrest and comfortable side parts. Such chairs have been developed for children from 9 months to 4 years old, respectively, and children 3 – 9 years old; Group “3” – car seats designed for children 6 – 12 years old. They can be represented as a regular car seat or a seat without a backrest.

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But when choosing a car seat, you can come across completely different models designed for the same age. Therefore, when buying a chair, it is important to take into account, in addition to age, the height and weight of the child.
Design and comfort seat comfort
It is very important that the child feels comfortable in the car seat. Your trip will be safer if your child feels good and does not distract you from the road. Now you can easily purchase a chair with an anatomical seat, comfortable armrests and an orthopedic insert. There are also models with a table that serves as a belt and with a device for legs.
Which chair to choose for your baby depends on many factors. For example, if a baby is a newborn, it is necessary to start unambiguously with a bassinet chair, and only then purchase another chair. If you bought a car when the child is already rather big, you can consider purchasing a universal car seat. For a car seat, safety and reliability should come first. Therefore, all models have the necessary certificates and meet the highest international standards. All car seats have passed independent crash tests.
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